Run the analysis on a server

You have created the session files, estimated the head movements (the reference maps), and the diffeomorphisms mapping form standard space to the respective subject reference spaces (the population maps). Now you would like to fit a FMRI signal model to the data of each subject but you don’t have enough resources on your local hardware. Solution: Move your calculations to a server.

The following will copy all necessary files to the server:

rsync -avuz -n \
    --include '**/*.session' \
    --include '**/*.rigids' \
    --include '**/*.popmap' \
    --include '' \
    results username@hostserver:~/path/to/

Or equivalently:

rsync -avuz -n \
    --include '**/*.session' \
    --include '**/*.rigids' \
    --include '**/*.popmap' \
    --include '' \
    results/ username@hostserver:~/path/to/results

Now, you can log in and run fmrifit. After the calculations are finished, pull the results back to your machine:

rsync -avuz -n \
    --include '**/*.fit' \
    username@hostserver:~/path/to/results .

Or equivalently:

rsync -avuz -n \
    --include '**/*.fit' \
    username@hostserver:~/path/to/results/ results

The advantage is that none of the software that was needed to create the population maps (such as ANTS, AFNI, FSL, or SPM) is needed on the server side. Just fmristats.