Subject analysis: Prune a statistics field from non-brain areas --------------------------------------------------------------- A signal model has been fitted to FMRI session data: .. code:: shell fmrifit -v --stimulus-block letter --window 2 1 1 --id 2 The WLS optimisation in the fitting procedure uses a weighting scheme with non-null spatial extent. Thus, evaluating (i.e. fitting) an FMRI model close but outside of the actual brain of a subject will nevertheless result in »valid« parameter estimates. These »outside fits« can be detected post-hoc as they are naturally accompanied by a drastic drop in sample size. By default, ``fmrifit`` will estimate a default *data mask* in standard space from the foreground/background difference saved in ``subject.session``. If this mask still contains non-brain areas (and it is likely that it does), you may want to further prune the fitted parameter fields from these areas. Fitting a brain mask: fmriprune ............................... The command line programs ``fmriprune`` or ``fsl4prune`` can be used to generate brain masks and help in detecting these non-brain areas in the fit. Both commands will force a minimum number of observations to be available around each grid point either by setting a user defined hard lower bound for the minimum: .. code:: shell fmriprune -v --threshold 1800 Or by setting the lower bound to a given fraction of the maximum available measurements around a point: .. code:: shell fmriprune -v --fraction .7 The options ``--threshold`` and ``--fraction`` are exclusive and the default is ``--fraction .6842``. The generated brain mask is directly saved into the file ````. Fitting a brain mask: fsl4prune ............................... The difference between ``fmriprune`` and ``fsl4prune`` is that the latter also contains a wrapper to the FSL command line tool BET_: .. code:: shell fsl4prune -v .. _BET: The wrapper is equivalent to the following: .. code:: shell fmriprune --fit .. code:: python from fmristats import * result = load('') result.mask() intercept = result.get_field('intercept', 'point') from fmristats.nifti import image2nii import nibabel as ni, 'intercept.nii.gz') .. code:: shell bet intercept.nii.gz mask.nii.gz -R nii2image mask.nii.gz mask.image .. code:: python from fmristats import * result = load('') mask = load('mask.image') result.population_map.set_vb_mask(mask)'') Fitting a brain mask: Python ............................ The Python interface gives you further control for defining brain masks. Load a statistics field to Python: .. code:: python from fmristats import * result = load(path_to_fit) The statistics fields: .. code:: python import matplotlib.pylab as pt from fmristats.plot import picture a0 = result.get_field('intercept','point') b0 = result.get_field('task','point') t0 = result.get_field('task', 'tstatistic') The intercept: .. code:: python picture(a0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure5_1.png :width: 15 cm The BOLD effect field: .. code:: python picture(b0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure6_1.png :width: 15 cm The t-statistics field: .. code:: python picture(t0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure7_1.png :width: 15 cm Most notably, you should realise that the task related BOLD effect field looks very faint: In contrast to some very large and strong effects on the periphery of the brain (strong in absolute effect size, not in significance), the BOLD effects within the brain are very weak. This is a sign that these effects are likely the result of small errors in the estimated head movements of the subject and not the result of BOLD changes in the MR signal. You want to prune the statistics field from these areas. By threshold ############ Set a threshold for the minimum number of observations that should be available for fitting; set this number to a proportion of the maximum available sample size. .. code:: python gf = result.get_field('df') proportion_df = .6 threshold_df = int(proportion_df * np.nanmax( print('Lower threshold for the degrees of freedom: {:d}'.format( threshold_df)) .. code:: Lower threshold for the degrees of freedom: 2263 Apply the threshold: .. code:: python result.mask( >= threshold_df) a0 = result.get_field('intercept','point') b0 = result.get_field('task','point') t0 = result.get_field('task', 'tstatistic') The intercept: .. code:: python picture(a0, interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure10_1.png :width: 15 cm The BOLD effect field: .. code:: python picture(b0, interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure11_1.png :width: 15 cm The t-statistics field: .. code:: python picture(t0, interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure12_1.png :width: 15 cm And indeed, the task related BOLD effect field looks less faint. By BET ###### You map also apply BET on the intercept. .. code:: python from fmristats.fsl import bet template = bet( intercept = a0, intercept_file = 'interim-results/intercept.nii.gz', mask_file = 'interim-results/intercept-mask.nii.gz', cmd='fsl5.0-bet', verbose = 2) .. code:: fsl5.0-bet interim-results/intercept.nii.gz interim-results/intercept-mask.nii.gz -R Apply the mask: .. code:: python result.mask(template.get_mask()) a0 = result.get_field('intercept','point') b0 = result.get_field('task','point') t0 = result.get_field('task', 'tstatistic') The intercept: .. code:: python picture(a0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure15_1.png :width: 15 cm The BOLD effect field: .. code:: python picture(b0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure16_1.png :width: 15 cm The t-statistics field: .. code:: python picture(t0,interpolation='bilinear') .. image:: figures/subject-remove-non-brain-areas_figure17_1.png :width: 15 cm